- Parents
Inter/Intra Attendance Permits
Rocklin Unified School District (RUSD) will begin accepting incoming and outgoing Interdistrict Attendance Permit requests for the 2024-2025 school year on January 22, 2024.
Out of district residents must begin the application process at their district of residence (please do not use the form below). Please note that every effort will be made to accommodate your request, but could include redirection to another school within Rocklin USD.
Outgoing Interdistrict Attendance Permits (transferring out of RUSD to another school district) will be processed on an ongoing basis. Please contact your requested school district for submission deadlines.
Parents or guardians living within the boundaries of RUSD may choose to request that a student attend an RUSD school not in their designated area of residence. This is referred to as an Intradistrict Attendance Permit.
The District has procedures and forms for both types of attendance permits that RUSD residents should use for their requests:
Intradistrict Attendance Permit
Intradistrict Attendance Permit- (For students who reside in RUSD and wish to transfer from their school of residence to another school within RUSD)
Intradistrict Applications must be submitted to the student's school of residence and any questions regarding Intradistrict Applications should be directed to your school of residence.
Interdistrict Attendance Permit
Click here for Form (must be completed and submitted online)
Questions regarding Interdistrict Applications may be directed to the following individuals based on your students grade level:
Grades TK- 6
Donna Holmes
Grades 7-12
Jodi Konsesky